How to use MoSCoW prioritization method

How to Use the MoSCoW Prioritization Method

In today’s fast-paced world, prioritizing tasks and requirements effectively can mean the difference between project success and failure. The MoSCoW prioritization technique is a popular and straightforward approach to prioritizing tasks, features, or requirements based on their importance. Whether you’re working in an Agile framework or a Waterfall methodology, this technique can help streamline decision-making and improve project outcomes. Let’s dive into what the MoSCoW prioritization method is, how it works, and how to use it effectively in different project management scenarios.… [ Read the rest...]

How to Stay Motivated When Working on Boring or Repetitive Tasks

Let’s face it—not every task we encounter in our personal or professional lives will be thrilling. Whether it’s entering data into spreadsheets, folding laundry, or performing repetitive steps in a workflow, monotony is unavoidable. However, learning to stay motivated during these times is essential for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. Here’s a deep dive into strategies you can adopt to stay energized and focused, even when the work feels tedious.… [ Read the rest...]

How to Push Back on Unrealistic Requests

Quite often project managers have to deal with difficult situations on their projects. A good example of such a tough situation is when the client comes up with an unrealistic request. In this situation, the project manager faces a dilemma: on the one hand, he doesn’t want to upset the client, but on the other hand, he understands that it is impossible to achieve what the client requests.… [ Read the rest...]

7 Email Management Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier

If you ask me where modern management begins, I would respond that it starts with your email box management. Indeed, email has become one of the main communication channels over the last twenty years, and most managers spend a great deal of time processing emails and responding to them.  Recently, I have realized that, despite my vast experience with email technology, I never thought if I’ve been using it effectively.… [ Read the rest...]

Client Expectations Management: 2 Battles To Be Fought

Recently one of my friends has asked me to consult him on the topic of Client Expectations Management. This request tripped me up because, on the one hand, client expectations management is something really critical for any business, but, on the other hand, I couldn’t remember any specific project management techniques and theories in this field. So, I decided to research this topic in order to share both my findings and my personal experience with you.… [ Read the rest...]

How to Plan and Manage Your Team`s Vacations

Project managers are constantly striving for building effective teams and enabling people to perform at their best. But we should not forget that we work with human beings who get tired and need some break. In fact, everyone needs a rest, and the most prevalent form of having it among full-time employees is regular vacation. If you notice that someone from your team hasn’t taken vacation for a long period of time, I suggest you talking to them and persuading that they need a break.… [ Read the rest...]